FR-A800 Standard Series – This family of products is ideal for all applications requiring an all in one component style solution. Machine builders and facilities across the world have depended on this familiar architecture as their motor control solution, whether open air plenum style or enclosed in a panel, there are flexible configurations to meet your requirements.
FR-A802 Series – This family of products is ideal for any application requiring a large capacity drive systems. The independent converter and inverter component architecture enables you to design a wide range of system solutions to address everything from driving large capacity motors, regenerative braking, and also low harmonics solutions.
FR-A806 Series – This family of products is ideal for motor control applications in harsh environments. The enclosed NEMA12(IP55) structure simplifies engineering, operation and system design. This design includes embedded hardware, such as DC Choke and EMC filters, to reduce electrical noise and provide protection from imperfections with incoming power.