Biến tần HITACHI SJ series P1 
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Biến tần HITACHI SJ series P1

3-phase 200V 0.4 - 55kW
3-phase 400V 0.75 - 132kW

Giá : Liên Hệ

Số lượng :

200V class specifications

Model name(P1-☐☐☐-L) 00044 /00080 /00104 /00156 /00228 /00330 /00460 /00600 /00800 /00930 /01240 /01530 /01850 /02290 /02950
Applicable motor capacity
(4 poles) (kW)*1
VLD 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75
LD 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75
ND 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55
Output Rated output current
VLD 4.4 8.0 10.4 15.6 22.8 33.0 46.0 60.0 80.0 93.0 124.0 153.0 185.0 229.0 295.0
LD 3.7 6.3 9.4 12.0 19.6 30.0 40.0 56.0 73.0 85.0 113.0 140.0 169.0 210.0 270.0
ND 3.2 5.0 8.0 11.0 17.5 25.0 32.0 46.0 64.0 76.0 95.0 122.0 146.0 182.0 220.0
Overload current rating*2 VLD 110% 60sec / 120% 3sec
LD 120% 60sec / 150% 3sec
ND 150% 60sec / 200% 3sec
Rated output voltage 3-phase (3-wire) 200 to 240V (corresponding to input voltage)
Rated capacity (kVA) 200V VLD 1.5 2.8 3.6 5.4 7.9 11.4 15.9 20.8 27.7 32.2 43.0 53.0 64.1 79.3 102.2
LD 1.3 2.2 3.3 4.2 6.8 10.4 13.9 19.4 25.3 29.4 39.1 48.5 58.5 72.7 93.5
ND 1.1 1.7 2.8 3.8 6.1 8.7 11.1 15.9 22.2 26.3 32.9 42.3 50.6 63.0 76.2
240V VLD 1.8 3.3 4.3 6.5 9.5 13.7 19.1 24.9 33.3 38.7 51.5 63.6 76.9 95.2 122.6
LD 1.5 2.6 3.9 5.0 8.1 12.5 16.6 23.3 30.3 35.3 47.0 58.2 70.3 87.3 112.2
ND 1.3 2.1 3.3 4.6 7.3 10.4 13.3 19.1 26.6 31.6 39.5 50.7 60.7 75.7 91.5
Input Rated input AC voltage*3 Main circuit power supply: 3-phase 200 to 240V 50/60Hz, 
Control power supply: 1-phase 200 to 240V 50/60Hz
Permissible AC voltage / Frequency fluctuation AC voltage: 170 to 264V 50/60Hz, Frequency: ±5%
Power supply capacity (kVA)*4 VLD 2.0 3.6 4.7 7.1 10.3 15.0 20.9 27.2 36.3 42.2 56.3 69.4 83.9 103.9 133.8
LD 1.7 2.9 4.3 5.4 8.9 13.6 18.1 25.4 33.1 38.6 51.3 63.5 76.7 95.3 122.5
ND 1.5 2.3 3.6 5.0 7.9 11.3 14.5 20.9 29.0 34.5 43.1 55.3 66.2 82.6 99.8
Carrier frequency range*5 VLD 0.5 to 10.0kHz
LD 0.5 to 12.0kHz
ND 0.5 to 16.0kHz
Starting torque*6 200%/0.3Hz
Braking Regenerative Braking Internal BRD circuit (external discarge resistor) Ext. regen. braking unit
Minimum resistance value (Ω) 50 50 35 35 35 16 10 10 7.5 7.5 5 - - - -
Protective structure IP20 - UL Open Type
Aprox. weight (kg) 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 10 10 10 22 33 33 47
The applicable motor refers to Hitachi standard 3-phase motor (4-pole). To use other motors, be sure to prevent the rated motor current (50Hz) from exceeding the rated output current of the inverter.
Electronic thermal protection is valid in accordance to derating.
In order to comply with the Low Voltage Directive (LVD), it must be connected to a neutral grounding supply. 200V class: -Pollution degree 2 -Overvoltage category 3. 400V class: -Pollution degree 2 -Overvoltage category 3 (In the case the input supply is 380 to 460Vac) -Overvoltage category 2 (If the input supply is 460Vac or more).
The power supply capacity is the value of the output rated current at 220V / 440V. The impedance at the supply side may be affected by the wiring, breaker, input reactor, etc.
Carrier frequency may be limited in the range according to the use of drive.
The values for the sensorless vector control are assigned according to the values in the ND rating in the Hitachi standard motor table. Torque characteristics may vary by the control system and the motor in use.

400V class specifications

Model name(P1-☐☐☐-H) 00041 /00054 /00083 /00126 /00175 /00250 /00310 /00400 /00470 /00620 /00770 /00930 /01160 /01470 /01760 /02130 /02520 /03160
Applicable motor capacity
(4 poles) (kW)*1
VLD 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160
LD 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160
ND 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132
Output Rated output current
VLD 4.1 5.4 8.3 12.6 17.5 25.0 31.0 40.0 47.0 62.0 77.0 93.0 116.0 147.0 176.0 213.0 252.0 316.0
LD 3.1 4.8 6.7 11.1 16.0 22.0 29.0 37.0 43.0 57.0 70.0 85.0 105.0 135.0 160.0 195.0 230.0 290.0
ND 2.5 4.0 5.5 9.2 14.8 19.0 25.0 32.0 39.0 48.0 61.0 75.0 91.0 112.0 150.0 180.0 217.0 260.0
Overload current rating
VLD 110% 60sec / 120% 3sec
LD 120% 60sec / 150% 3sec
ND 150% 60sec / 200% 3sec
Rated output voltage 3-phase (3-wire) 380 to 500V (corresponding to input voltage)
Rated capacity
400V VLD 2.8 3.7 5.8 8.7 12.1 17.3 21.5 27.7 32.6 43.0 53.3 64.4 80.4 101.8 121.9 147.6 174.6 218.9
LD 2.1 3.3 4.6 7.7 11.1 15.2 20.1 25.6 29.8 39.5 48.5 58.9 72.7 93.5 110.9 135.1 159.3 200.9
ND 1.7 2.8 3.8 6.4 10.3 13.2 17.3 22.2 27.0 33.3 42.3 52.0 63.0 77.6 103.9 124.7 150.3 180.1
500V VLD 3.6 4.7 7.2 10.9 15.2 21.7 26.8 34.6 40.7 53.7 66.7 80.5 100.5 127.3 152.4 184.5 218.2 273.7
LD 2.7 4.2 5.8 9.6 13.9 19.1 25.1 32.0 37.2 49.4 60.6 73.6 90.9 116.9 138.6 168.9 199.2 251.1
ND 2.2 3.5 4.8 8.0 12.8 16.5 21.7 27.7 33.8 41.6 52.8 65.0 78.8 97.0 129.9 155.9 187.9 225.2
Input Rated input AC voltage*3 Main circuit power supply: 3-phase 380 to 500V 50/60Hz, 
Control power supply: 1-phase 380 to 500V 50/60Hz
Permissible AC voltage/Frequency fluctuation AC voltage: 323 to 550V 50/60Hz, Frequency: ±5%
Power supply capacity (kVA)
VLD 3.7 4.9 7.5 11.4 15.9 22.7 28.1 36.3 42.6 56.3 69.9 84.4 105.2 133.4 159.7 193.2 228.6 286.7
LD 2.8 4.4 6.1 10.1 14.5 20.0 26.3 33.6 39.0 51.7 63.5 77.1 95.3 122.5 145.2 176.9 208.7 263.1
ND 2.3 3.6 5.0 8.3 13.4 17.2 22.7 29.0 35.4 43.5 55.3 68.0 82.6 101.6 136.1 163.3 196.9 235.9
Carrier frequency range*5 VLD 0.5 to 10.0kHz 0.5 to 8.0kHz
LD 0.5 to 12.0kHz 0.5 to 8.0kHz
ND 0.5 to 16.0kHz 0.5 to 10.0kHz
Starting torque*6 200%/0.3Hz 180%/0.3Hz
Braking Regenerative Braking Internal BRD circuit (external discarge resistor) *7 Ext. regen. Braking unit
Minimum resistance value (Ω) 100 100 100 70 70 35 35 24 24 20 15 15 10 10 - - - -
Protective structure IP20 - UL Open Type IP00
Aprox. weight (kg) 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 8.5 8.5 8.5 22 31 31 31 41 41 - -
The applicable motor refers to Hitachi standard 3-phase motor (4-pole). To use other motors, be sure to prevent the rated motor current (50Hz) from exceeding the rated output current of the inverter.
Electronic thermal protection is valid in accordance to derating.
In order to comply with the Low Voltage Directive (LVD), it must be connected to a neutral grounding supply. 200V class: -Pollution degree 2 -Overvoltage category 3. 400V class: -Pollution degree 2 -Overvoltage category 3 (In the case the input supply is 380 to 460Vac) -Overvoltage category 2 (If the input supply is 460Vac or more).
The power supply capacity is the value of the output rated current at 220V / 440V. The impedance at the supply side may be affected by the wiring, breaker, input reactor, etc.
Carrier frequency may be limited in the range according to the use of drive.
The values for the sensorless vector control are assigned according to the values in the ND rating in the Hitachi standard motor table. Torque characteristics may vary by the control system and the motor in use.
Usually, an external regenerative braking is necessary. By your order it is possible to include the built-in braking circuit. By attaching the braking resistor the regenerative braking unit is no longer required.



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