Biến Tần INVT GD200A Series 
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Biến Tần INVT GD200A Series

Series GD200A gồm có

 3P, 220V, 0.75 kW ~ 55 kW
 3P, 380V, 0.75 kW ~ 500 kW

Giá : Liên Hệ

Số lượng :

Inverter model Rated output power (kW) Input current (A) Rated output current (A)
3-phase 220VAC±15%
GD200A-0R75G-2 0.75 5 4.5
GD200A-1R5G-2 1.5 7.7 7
GD200A-2R2G-2 2.2 11 10
GD200A-004G-2 3.7 17 16
GD200A-5R5G-2 5.5 21 20
GD200A-7R5G-2 7.5 31 30
GD200A-011G-2 11 43 42
GD200A-015G-2 15 56 55
GD200A-018G-2 18.5 71 70
GD200A-022GP-2 22 81 80
GD200A-030G-2 30 112 110
GD200A-037G-2 37 132 130
GD200A-045G-2 45 163 160
GD200A-055G-2 55 181 190
3-phase 380VAC±15%
GD200A-0R75G-4 0.75 3.4 2.5
GD200A-1R5G-4 1.5 5.0 3.7
GD200A-2R2G-4 2.2 5.8 5
GD200A-004G/5R5P-4 4/5.5 13.5/19.5 9.5/14
GD200A-5R5G/7R5P-4 5.5/7.5 19.5/25 14/18.5
GD200A-7R5G/011P-4 7.5/11 25/32 18.5/25
GD200A-011G/015P-4 11/15 32/40 25/32
GD200A-015G/018P-4 15/18.5 40/47 32/38
GD200A-018G/022P-4 18.5/22 47/56 38/45
GD200A-022G/030P-4 22/30 56/56 45/60
GD200A-030G/037P-4 30/37 70/80 60/75
GD200A-037G/045P-4 37/45 80/94 75/92
GD200A-045G/055P-4 45/55 94/128 92/115
GD200A-055G/075P-4 55/75 128/160 115/150
GD200A-075G/090P-4 75/90 160/190 150/180
GD200A-090G/110P-4 90/110 190/225 180/215
GD200A-110G/132P-4 110/132 225/265 215/260
GD200A-132G/160P-4 132/160 265/310 260/305
GD200A-160G/200P-4 160/200 310/385 305/380
GD200A-200G/220P-4 200/220 385/430 380/425
GD200A-220G/250P-4 220/250 430/485 425/480
GD200A-250G/280P-4 250/280 485/545 480/530
GD200A-280G/315P-4 280/315 545/610 530/600
GD200A-315G/350P-4 315/350 610/625 600/650
GD200A-350G/400P-4 350/400 625/715 650/720
GD200A-400G-4 400 715 720
GD200A-500G-4 500 890 860

(1)The input current of the inverter 0.75G-315G/350P is tested when the input voltage is 380V and there is no DC reactor and output/input reactor.
(2)The current of the inverter 350G/400P-500G is tested when the input voltage is 380V and there is input reactor.
(3)Rated output current is defned when the rated output voltage is 380V.


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